Eugene Chamber of Climate Crisis

Posted by on November 19, 2013 in Environment, Peer Support | Comments Off on Eugene Chamber of Climate Crisis

Updated: Monday Dec 2nd – See below for before or after gathering. Also see how you can help where ever you live.

Flash Gathering: Eugene Area Chamber of Climate Crisis

Tongue in Cheek Award Ceremony

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Contact: David Zupan
Phone: 541-484-9167

At 12:30 pm on December 5th, local citizens concerned about the global climate crisis will gather at the Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce, 1401 Willamette, to give them an award. The Golden Ostrich trophy will be presented to the Eugene Chamber because of their support for the US Chamber of Commerce and its blockade of progress on addressing The Climate Crisis.

The weather on Dec 5th is supposed to be unusually cold, ironically. We will protest what ever the weather. Before and or after the event cold participants may want to gather at a near by coffee shop:

Perk Coffee and Espresso 1351 Willamette St
(541) 636-3255

Speakers at the protest itself will include:

  • Long- time activist David Oaks
  • Artist Debra Nunez
  • Media activist David Zupan
  • Ron Unger, a full time mental health counselor
  • Amanda from MindFreedom Office

To view previous street theater’s on YouTube see

You can help where ever you live. For more info about the campaign by the climate crisis group to ask local chambers to say “no” to the US Chamber see

Also you can phone and email our Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce a peaceful, civil but strong message from where ever you live. There contact info is here:

The award for the Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce is by Eugene artist Tim Boyden.

If you would like to visit the FaceBook event Page on this see