
Protected: Rise of Involuntary Mental Health in Key US Agency: What is Your Resistance Strategy?

Posted by on September 19, 2017 in Activism, Mental Health, Peer Support | Comments Off on Protected: Rise of Involuntary Mental Health in Key US Agency: What is Your Resistance Strategy?

Many advocates for human rights in the US mental health system already know this sad fact: The main US government agency that addresses mental health is increasingly under the influence of a special interest group, founded by extremist psychiatrist E. Fuller Torrey. This group, Treatment Advocate Center, promotes court-ordered involuntary outpatient mental health treatment, even if the client lives outside of a psychiatric institution. However, even after working for decades for human rights in mental health, I have been surprised about how...

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Hurricane Harvey, Trump, USA Mental Health: We Are All Mad, 100%!

Posted by on August 30, 2017 in Activism, Commentary, Environment, Mental Health, Normalgeddon | 2 comments

Dear Year 2192 & Year 2017: Can our two years talk? Let’s use our imaginations. The Iroquois Native Americans wisely advised us all to think ahead seven generations. As Hurricane Harvey attacks the Houston area in this year 2017, seven generations ahead (each generation is now about 25 years) would be the year 2192. Wow, you in the year 2192, that is the 700th anniversary of the invasion of this continent by us Europeans. I hope someone is there to read this message? Perhaps if we here in the year 2017 are effective and ignite a...

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New Game: What Are Your Four Truths (#4Truths) That You Feel Could Save the Planet?

Posted by on August 25, 2017 in Commentary, Environment, Normalgeddon, Peer Support | 1 comment

Over the years I have created a number of games that I mostly play in my own head. One of these has actually caught on a bit with some of my homecare workers: When you hear anyone, such as on the radio, say the word “normal” you howl. That is it. You can play! On the right we made a party for watching the 2017 eclipse. My brother Tony chose the soundtrack. Personally my current game that I play in my own head is named “4Truths.” All you need to do is provide four of your truths that you feel that if the world knew, it...

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Preparing for an Altered State: “Intensive Care Unit Psychosis”

Posted by on August 24, 2017 in Peer Support | 1 comment

Many people seem to think that only a parentage of folks ever experience extreme and overwhelming states of mind. Actually, thousands of everyday people go through the trauma of ICU and go through  what is commonly called “madness.” I know, because since my fall in 2012 I have been through this a bunch. While I hope I never go through ICU again, even though everyone was nice, here are the ways I am preparing just in case I do. Maybe you and everyone else should too? I have a short video to myself to watch if I ever go through...

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US Senate Slated to Rubber Stamp “Mental Health Czar” Tues. 8/1/2017

Posted by on July 29, 2017 in Activism, Alternatives, Disability, Mental Health | Comments Off on US Senate Slated to Rubber Stamp “Mental Health Czar” Tues. 8/1/2017

A US Senate committee is supposed to approve a controversial Trump appointee this Tuesday, 1 August 2017. You may not have heard about this in mainstream media, or even the alternative media, though I have been covering this topic for months! The approval ceremony is scheduled for streaming on the US Senate HELP (Health Education Labor Pensions) Committee website. According to what I have heard, this HELP Committee will genuflect to power, and sign off on the appointment of psychiatrist Dr. Ellie McCance-Katz as the first Assistant Secretary...

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9 Questions that US Senate HELP Committee Should Ask Dr. McCance-Katz

Posted by on July 21, 2017 in Activism, Disability, Mental Health, Peer Support | 2 comments

21 July 2017 Next week should be interesting, perhaps revolutionary, for those of us who care about human rights, disability and mental health. I heard from leaders at the National Council for Independent Living (NCIL) that the US Senate HELP Committee will be quizzing Pres. Trump’s appointment psychiatrist Dr. Ellie McCance-Katz, to a new powerful mental health position in the federal government. This new job is commonly known now as “Mental Health Czar” and if you are new to this little-known controversy, I blogged about...

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Crazy Like A Fox? Trump’s Mental Health Debated While Senate Quietly Rubber-Stamps “Mental Health Czar”

Posted by on July 18, 2017 in Activism, Commentary, Disability, Mental Health | 4 comments

Updated July 18, 2017: US Senate Moving Now About Trump “Mental Health Czar” Appointee! I just heard that the US Senate, via Senator Lamar Alexander’s HELP Committee (Health, Education, Labor & Pensions), will be looking at this Trump appointee at the end of July, 2017. Hey that is right now!  There are many ways to influence this committee! They include Sen. Sanders, Warren, Franken, plus many Senators from States with activists (such as Wisc., Maine, Mass., Wash., Penn., Virginia, etc.). If you have a US Senator on...

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Your Feedback In Free Survey Will Help MindFreedom & Psychiatric Survivor Movement

Posted by on July 13, 2017 in Peer Support | Comments Off on Your Feedback In Free Survey Will Help MindFreedom & Psychiatric Survivor Movement

NEWS RELEASE  — July 14, 2017   MindFreedom International and Aciu Institute ask you to answer 11 survey questions!  In a few moments, you can support human rights in the mental health system and one of the most important groups in that movement, MindFreedom International! This survey asks for your opinions and ideas about MindFreedom and the future of this movement. You are invited to fill out this online survey whether or not you are a member of MindFreedom. One of the most controversial parts of this survey asks whether you...

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Tomorrow, Tues, 6/27/2017, Join Us in Rush Hour Resistance, Eugene!

Posted by on June 26, 2017 in Activism, Environment, Normalgeddon | 2 comments

Say “no” to Pres. Trump’s bizarre & dangerous activities such as climate crisis denial. My amazing wife Debra Nunez and I will join in the free peaceful fun tomorrow by the new Federal Bldg in Eugene, OR, across from Whole Foods. More details can be found on this website: We have also put some info on Facebook, please say you are going and spread the word: Hope to see you there, if you know anyone in Eugene, please spread the word. Wherever...

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Paid Part-time Help Wanted: Especially if you already have Senior & Disabled Services provider number

Posted by on June 9, 2017 in Disability, Help Wanted | 1 comment

Do you live in Lane County, now or in the near future? Do you want a part-time home care paid position with one of the best employers in the world, me? I have multiple disabilities. In fact, I would be called quad but actually because my neck has long had a challenge, I am actually a penta: that is, I have five major disabilities, all my limbs and my neck. Plus a disabled voice. But let us talk about the positives now, there is a great opportunity for the person or persons who work out! To the right I am trying out a standing power chair, an...

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