Unpaid: Anywhere in the World

Anywhere in World

thanks-ken-keseyMy new and old friends are all over the planet. If you would like to be part of the network of folks who are working and playing with me, here are some ideas.

As my blog says, because of the environmental crisis we need something now bigger than D-Day. I call this E-Day, Earth Day is every day, literally. Every single person, perhaps every single particle, is the Ike, that is the Supreme Commander, of this global nonviolent revolution. I really do not know if we will win. I know for sure that we can make it undeniable that our planet is engaged in nonviolent revolution.

Where ever you live, here are some ways to stay in touch and help to the extent you wish:

  • On the homepage of this blog, there is an email list and you can get on that.
  • I have another blog dedicated to support for me and our family after my fall, this blog is located here, and you will see that there is another list there you can join.
  • Before my fall I was not on Facebook much, but now I am on there almost every day. If you would like to intersect with me, my main page is David W. Oaks, which you can find here: https://www.facebook.com/david.w.oaks
  • Other Facebook pages and groups to search are: UU Mental Health Justice, Support David Oaks, GageParkOaks (my family FB area), Stop the Murphy Bills, LeadOn Lane!, MindFreedom International, MindFreedom Lane County, International Association for the Advancement of Creative Maladjustment. That should get you started!
  • Real fans who want to work more closely are invited to join what we are now calling the OddSquad. In fact, about 60 of these folks are part of the OddSquad Advisory Team, that is an OAT.
  • Keeping Kesey Square in the middle of Eugene active and vibrant spot is important to me. You will often me visiting there and doing some creative activities.
  • I have joined the GreenLane Sustainable Bussiness Network, on behalf of the IAACM, because GreenLane speaks out about the climate crisis, which is a lot more than the sadly silent chamber of commerce. I encourage you to join GreenLane here.
  • If you have an interest in being apart of this active community please email me at: [email protected]