My Debate With My Congressperson In the Letters to Editor

Here is my most recent letter, published by the Eugene Weekly, November 3, 2016. Below that is Rep. Peter DeFazio’s note about my concerns, published by the Eugene Weekly on October 20. Below that is my original letter published by EW October 6.

As part of a tour, “Keep Eugene Weirdest,” I will visit the office of Rep. Peter DeFazio tomorrow, Friday, November 4, 2016. For more info, and to join us, click here.


Rep. Pete DeFazio looks a bit grumpy.

Rep. Pete DeFazio, a progressive who has represented us in Eugene, Oregon since 1987. I have supported him, even when he has been grumpy. Now I am a write-in candidate to replace him.

In Eugene Weekly, Rep. Pete DeFazio (D-OR) and I have been debating a bill he is co-sponsoring, H.R. 2646. This complex proposal, more than 100 pages, is misnamed “Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2016.” It should be called “The Mental Health Consumer Dis-empowerment Act.”

The worst part: It gives federal money to support Involuntary Outpatient Commitment (IOC). The euphemism for IOC is Assisted Outpatient Commitment (AOC). The heart of IOC, which I’ve fought in many states for decades, is mainly to require Americans living at home in the community to take powerful psychiatric drugs against their will.

Incredibly, Rep. DeFazio falsely reassures us that his bill would not emphasize forced drugs. He points out that state IOC law does not “include forced medication.” Of course not. Judges pride themselves in saying, “I’m not a doctor; I don’t prescribe.” Judges provide the coercion. Doctors prescribe.

The drug-based approach has undue influence in mental health. We don’t have space here to explore the pros and cons of psychiatric drugs. It can be common sense to choose a non-drug alternative, but Rep. DeFazio’s bill would make this decision more difficult, or impossible, for many Americans living at home.

David Oaks, Eugene

Rep. Peter DeFazio’s letter to the Eugene Weekly, published October 20:


In the Oct. 6 edition of EW, local activist David Oaks claimed that legislation that I co-sponsored, along with 207 other members of the U.S. House of Representatives, would force “Americans living peacefully in their own homes” to take psychiatric drugs under court order. This is simply not factually accurate. The bill, H.R. 2646, includes language that supports assisted outpatient therapy (AOT) programs for those within the community who are found to be mentally unstable and unwilling to seek voluntarily treatment, posing a serious threat to themselves and others. AOT is usually in the form of case management and personal therapy programs and does not necessarily require medical intervention. As I hope Mr. Oaks is aware, Oregon law already authorized AOT and Oregon’s statute is clear: AOT does not include forced medication. H.R. 2646 passed the House with a bi-partisan vote of 422-2. This common sense legislation was a huge step forward in improving our mental health system, and I’m proud to be a co-sponsor.

Peter DeFazio, 4th Congressional District Candidate, Eugene

My original letter in the Eugene Weekly, published October 6:


Rep. Pete DeFazio sadly co-sponsored the worst piece of mental health legislation I have seen in 42 years of human rights activism. HR 2646 is more than 100 pages long, so mainly lobbyists seem to know the details. The worst part is that this bill extends federal financial support for involuntary outpatient psychiatric treatment.

In other words, Americans living peacefully in their own homes could be court-ordered to take psychiatric drugs against their will. I call this approach the “Bill Cosby School of Mental Health.”

I have supported Pete for decades and interacted with Pete personally several times. He’s always been kind of grouchy. That is OK; everyone has a different style. But if Pete legislates for involuntary psychiatry despite many constituents trying to explain why this is horrifying, then we have the right to ask, “Has Pete ever had a mental health check-up himself?” If not, will he?

Those of us with psychiatric labels appear to be one of the last groups that get thrown under the bus, by both Democrats and Republicans. I hope the Senate stops the bill.

Following the revolutionary Micah White’s strategy, I have decided to place my name as a write-in candidate for Congress.

David Oaks, Eugene

Resource links:

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I, David Oaks, PsychoQuad, 1st “Stand-Up Comedy” July 30, 2016, “Bleepin’ Funny” Sam Bond’s Garage, Eugene, Oregon (Both 5 & 10 min versions)

UPDATE: Both a five-minute edited version and a ten-minute full version of my Sam Bond’s Summer 2016 comedy can be found below now for your viewing pleasure. In a while we will post the February 2017 return to the stage, thanks David Zupan, you are a real friend! We have also updated additional info after the videos, including links.

Below, you can watch the both a five-minute and ten-minute video of me, David W. Oaks, getting laughs and a standing ovation, with captions, of my stand-up comedy, Summer 2016.

Before I broke my neck in 2012, I was director of MindFreedom International with more than 40 years as a community organizer. I am a human rights psychiatric survivor activist and I have spoken in a dozen countries. This is my first paid public speaking gig after my fall. I praise the great disability support I receive, “Keep Eugene Weirdest!”

Five-minute version:

Ten-minute version:

This full version of the comedy, with the popular line “Hey you’re all going to die!” can be appreciated by anyone, but includes a few local references:

  • Oregon Country Fair is a huge gathering each July near Eugene in the woods, with thousands of volunteer-participants. I am an Elder there. Just use your search engine to watch images and video of Oregon Country Fair, to try to get an idea of this wild event!
  • George Braddock at OCF, helps organize the huge Ritz sauna there, and is an expert on disability, especially bathrooms. Just search for the following phrase to try to get an idea of George’s imagination: ritz oregon country fair
  • Making a news announcement here, I say I am running against Rep. Pete DeFazio (D-OR) as a write-in this election, because of Pete’s co-sponsorship of a bill that would increase forced outpatient psychiatric treatment. I call this the “Bill Cosby School of Mental Health,” and I wonder if Pete needs psychiatric help, first. You may view news about a visit to Rep. DeFazio’s office by a few of us to make this point, here:
  • This public gig was at the monthly stand-up comedy event at a community gathering place, Sam Bond’s Garage. “Bleepin’ Funny” happens every month led by comedian Leigh Anne Jasheway, who can be seen sitting near the front of the crowd. Check the Sam Bond’s website toward the end of each month. On Facebook you may check the page for Leigh Anne Jasheway.
  • Also, on the stage you can see one of my several employees, Ian.
  • I often have creative events at Kesey Square, in downtown Eugene, named for my friend, the late Ken Kesey, local author of the book One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Search this blog for several events we have held in the square: kesey.
  • For instance, on November 4, 2016: You can read more about this free tour on my blog at:

Below you will find a transcript of my comedy:

First, my five-minute version:

“Bleepin’ Funny Comedy Night” 5 minute version at Sam Bonds; Eugene, Oregon on July 30th, 2016



So, everybody, I am David Oaks, PsychoQuad. [applause, cheering]

A funny thing happened on the way up a ladder to get our cat, Bongo.

Now this was in December, 2012,  which you call the end of the Mayan calendar.

Right? I did not believe in that BS.

So my shoes were wet, and in going for Bongo… and, well, I fell.

So Lee Anne Jashaway [hostess for this comedy night] suggested I talk about the worst case scenario.

Hey, you’re all gonna die. [applause, cheering] Thanks.

No, really, the moment I fell I got more labels.

But I had an advantage.

In ancient days, 40 years ago, I was a working class kid going to Harvard

and it flipped me out.

So I ended up in a psychiatric institution five times and it flipped me out.

Alright. So a dozen shrinks diagnosed me as psychotic. It’s true.

That means “psychotic,” that means… [pause]

Hey, bar guy!

Hey, bar guy! If you make a noise, I’ll get your address and be in your life! [applause, cheering]

Is that clear? Alright.  

Anyway, so there I was, now with a psychiatric label.

I’ve had a lot of time to think. 4,000 hours of NPR. [laughter]

alright. My main label is not what you think.

My main label is, I see some of you, “White Older Guy.”

“White Older Guy” or a WOG. [loud laughter] That’s my label.

Now, we’ve had a good run. 10,000 years.

OK, we’re about to leave. We’re shuffling off. Alright.

Alright. Please, please, learn from our mistakes. [loud laughter]

Please. It’s your planet but uh….

So, I do not recommend that you break your neck anywhere. [laughter]

But if you have to break your neck, do it here, Eugene, Oregon.

And my goal now, I want to be the weirdest in the world.

Weirdest in the world!  

You heard about Mohammed Ali? “Greatest.”

I want to be weirdest.

And I say we all in Eugene… Screw Portland. [laughter]

What do you mean, “Keep Portland Weird”?

Keep us weirdest!

Thanks much.

[loud cheering, standing ovation]

Here is the full ten-minute version:

[revised 10/31/16]

“Bleepin’ Funny Comedy Night” 9.25 min. version at Sam Bonds; Eugene, Oregon on July 30th, 2016


[applause] Ian’s great. Thank you, Ian. Let’s hear it for Ian. [applause, cheering]

These guys are amazing. I have about eight employees, and they’re great. Thank you.

So, everybody, I am David Oaks, PsychoQuad. [applause, cheering]

So, ah, so really will we find something funny here?

A funny thing happened on the way up a ladder to get our cat, Bongo.

Now this was in December, 2012,

which you call the end of the Mayan calendar.

Right? I did not believe in that BS.

So my, uh, shoes were wet and in going for Bongo… and, well, I fell.

So Lee Anne Jashaway [hostess for this comedy night] suggested I talk about the worst case scenario.

Hey, you’re all gonna die. [applause, cheering] Thanks.

No, really, the moment I fell I got more labels.

But I had an advantage.

In ancient days, 40 years ago, I was a working class kid going to Harvard and it flipped me out.

So I ended up in a psychiatric institution five times and it flipped me out.

Alright. So a dozen shrinks diagnosed me as psychotic. It’s true.

That means “psychotic,” that means… [pause]

Hey, bar guy!

Hey, bar guy. If you make a noise, I’ll get your address and be in your life! [applause, cheering]

Is that clear? Alright.  

Anyway, so there I was now with a psychiatric label.

I’ve had a lot of time to think. 4,000 hours of NPR. [laughter]

Alright. My main label is not what you think.

My main label is, I see some of you, “White Older Guy.”

“White Older Guy” or a WOG. [loud laughter] That’s my label.

Now, we’ve had a good run. 10,000 years.

Ok, we’re about to leave. We’re shuffling off. Alright.

Alright. Please, please, learn from our mistakes. [loud laughter]

Please. It’s your planet but uh….

So the number one group to help me

over the last 42 months is surprising:

It is Oregon Country Fair. [cheering] They win.

I don’t know if they were aware they were competing,

but wow I mean, you have got Debra, my wife, who is way ahead

ah, accessibility workers, you name it.

My bathroom is by George Braddock at the Ritz.

I mean wowie zowie.

So, I do not recommend that you break your neck anywhere. [laughter]

It is a tough way to be surrounded by great people like Ian and Emily.

But if you have to break your neck, do it here, Eugene, Oregon.

And my goal now, I want to be the weirdest in the world.

Weirdest in the world!

You heard about Mohammed Ali? “Greatest.”

I want to be weirdest.

And I say we all in Eugene… Screw Portland. [laughter]

What do you mean, “Keep Portland Weird”?

Keep us weirdest.

Alright. So tomorrow I’ll be at Kesey Square.

So if you want some weird fun.

But wrapping up my eight minutes: Let me tell ya that, during the “Sunday Streets” especially at 3 PM.

I have a news announcement. All right.

I’ve known [Rep.] Pete DeFazio [D-OR] for three decades.

Pete is great. But the pressure has gotten too big.

Pete DeFazio. You are all invited to tell him you heard it here.

I am running against Pete as a write-in candidate.

David Oaks. O A K S. No E.  Now you can tell Pete.

My reason is: “Pete, you’ve become the Bill Cosby of mental health.”

Repeat this joke. It’s a funny joke. [laughter]

“Pete, David Oaks says you have become the Bill Cosby of mental health.” Come on everybody. Try it out. Come on. Try it. Be revolutionary. [laughter] Try 1, 2, 3.

“Pete, you have become the Bill Cosby of mental health.

“According to David Oaks

“According to David Oaks… who is running against you.”

So, Pete, get some psychiatric help.

That’s from your psycho quad friend. By the way,

Lee Anne, you lead me. Thank you. [cheering]

[inaudible] Thanks much. You’re all so funny. I’ve enjoyed it.

We have enjoyed you for months. Thanks much.

[cheering, standing ovation]

[revised 10/31/16]

To stay in touch, please get on the email list which you can do on the right side of this blog.

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Keep Eugene Weirdest! “We’re the Crazy Ones?”

This Friday, Nov. 4, 2016 — Free Walking Tour

Mark Roberts is Old Slug Queen and Disability Activist.

Mark Roberts is Old Slug Queen and Disability Activist.

Keep Eugene Weirdest!

“We’re the crazy ones?”

Your tour guides: Slug Queen Mark Roberts (wearing Donald Trump mask), David Oaks, Michael Hejazi, Ian McTeague, R. Drake Ewbank and David Zupan.



  • 1:30 pm: Intro & icebreaker start at Kesey Square.
  • 2 pm: Tour walks east on Broadway to office of Rep. Peter DeFazio. Deliver humorous awards objecting to his co-sponsorship of bill that supports more outpatient involuntary psychiatry.
  • 3 pm: Walk back to Kesey Square for open mic.

Modeled after the First Friday Art Walk, this totally independent amplified peaceful tour is for fun, but there is a serious side. Rep. Peter DeFazio has supported H.R. 2646, a huge mental health bill. The worst part is federal support for involuntary outpatient psychiatric care. Rep. DeFazio claims this will not emphasize forced drugging. But the tour guides know otherwise.  In fact, David Oaks is running for Peter’s seat as a write in.

Free. Sponsored by International Association for the Advancement of Creative Maladjustment.

David W. Oaks drawing by artist Isaac Paris c 2016

David W. Oaks portrait by Isaac Paris c 2016

Organizer David Oaks (pictured on left) is a psychiatric survivor activist [email protected] Michael Hejazi is a mental health counselor in Eugene Ian McTeague is a local socialist organizer and IWW member. David Zupan is a community organizer media activist, a leader for the new Homegrown Community Radio, Mark Roberts is a long-time disability human rights activist and Old Slug Queen.

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My Response to Rep. Pete DeFazio About His Mental Health Bill

Rep. Pete DeFazio looks a bit grumpy.

Rep. Pete DeFazio, a progressive who has represented us in Eugene, Oregon since 1987. I have supported him, even when he has been grumpy. Now I am a write-in candidate to replace him.

Below is the letter I just emailed to Eugene Weekly, which has published a back and forth between me and Rep. Pete DeFazio (D-OR) over his mental health bill. 

At the bottom are links to more info, including our published letters this month, October 2016.

Dear Eugene Weekly Editor:

In Eugene Weekly, Rep. Pete DeFazio (D-OR) and I have been debating a bill he is co-sponsoring, H.R. 2646. This complex proposal, more than 100 pages, is mis-named “Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2016.” It should be called “The Mental Health Consumer Dis-empowerment Act.”

The worst part: It gives federal money to support Involuntary Outpatient Commitment (IOC). The euphemism for IOC is Assisted Outpatient Commitment (AOC). The heart of IOC, which I’ve fought in many States for decades, is mainly to require Americans living at home in the community to take powerful psychiatric drugs against their will.

Incredibly, Rep. DeFazio falsely reassures us that his bill would not emphasize forced drugs. He points out that State IOC law does not “include forced medication.” Of course not. Judges pride themselves in saying, “I’m not a doctor, I don’t prescribe.” Judges provide the coercion. Doctors prescribe.

The drug-based approach has undue influence in mental health. We don’t have space here to explore the pro’s and con’s of psychiatric drugs. It can be common sense to choose a non-drug alternative, but Rep. DeFazio’s bill would make this decision more difficult or impossible for many Americans living at home.


David Oaks

Below are links for more info:

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The Struggle Against Dakota Access Pipeline Is Directly In Front Of Us

Water protectors gather to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Water protectors gather to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Native American water protectors resisting the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) may seem remote. From here in Eugene, Oregon, it is about 1,500 miles to Standing Rock, which is the gathering site this year of thousands of indigenous people and their allies from all over this hemisphere. But there is a way this climate crisis issue is directly in front of me and many people throughout the U.S.A.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is one of the main groups championing DAPL and the petrochemical industry rape of Earth. The climate defender group 350 has asked that local Chambers assert their independence and say, “The U.S. Chamber doesn’t speak for me.” Unfortunately, only 56 out of 3,000 of these local Chambers have spoken up. Rather than viewing this as a failure, I look at it as a challenge.

Several activists and I have petitioned the local Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce, but despite many emails, peaceful protests, and outreach, the leadership has maintained silence about the climate crisis and the U.S. Chamber. You may read about some of these protests by finding my blogs:

In 2017, the newly elected chair of the local chamber will be Mandy Jones, who is the Chief Executive Officer for Oregon Consumer Credit Union. I’ve been a proud member of OCCU since 1988. I encourage OCCU, as a member-owned entity, to ask the local Chamber to speak up about the climate crisis.

I would like to encourage you to send a brief, strong, peaceful email to OCCU about the climate crisis and speaking up. You may use the OCCU website here.

For more info about the protectors at DAPL, you may click here:

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