Plea From My Friend

Posted by on October 30, 2013 in Peer Support | Comments Off on Plea From My Friend

This is David W. Oaks talking. My friends are raising money for an accessible van for me. You can help by spreading the word and contributing, even if you do so for a second time.

The good news is that my friends and family have raised enough for a used van. So your donation will help my van be better and better. Any extra money to my trust fund will go to accessibility items not covered by Medicaid, such as massage.

Below is the plea on behalf of my friends and family, from my very good friend David Zupan:

A Personal Appeal from David Zupan

Dear Friends:

Over the past forty plus years, I’ve enjoyed living in Oregon and being part of communities uniting to provide aid for many worthy causes and folks in need whether or not we know them personally. That’s why I am shamelessly and without apology asking you to help my dear friend David Oaks who has helped so many others. The past 30 years he has worked tirelessly for a non-profit advocating for human rights in mental health.

In December of 2012, David fell and broke his neck. After numerous surgeries and a severe infection that almost took his life, he left the hospital paralyzed from his shoulders down, and doctors say he probably will be in a wheelchair the rest of his life.

Despite the catastrophic nature of his injuries, David is courageously exhausting every rehab option available to him and continues to work hard to regain as much function as possible while maintaining his signature sense of humor and love of life.

David and his wonderful wife Debra have given me permission to share the details of their desperate financial situation and ask for help. Since David’s accident, he and Debra have exhausted their savings.

Friends and local agencies have donated some of the labor toward the remodel of their house to fit David’s wheelchair, but usually not the cost of materials. The cost of daily life has increased tremendously. To continue working, David will need technological help with the internet, a computer and a specially-equipped van.

Thanks to his supporters’ generosity so far, we are half way to our goal of $100,000 to assist David with his immediate and long-term expenses. I am asking you to help make a significant difference in his life!

Here is how to donate:

Drop off a check or mail to Chase Bank, 1100 Willamette St., Eugene, OR 97401 Make payable to “David W Oaks Irrevocable Trust” Write account number 3008433244 in the memo line. Or go to to give now using a credit card or to schedule a monthly donation. You will also find links there to videos about David.

Finally please pass this message along to your friends and family. You can also help by liking the “Support David Oaks” page on Facebook and sharing it with your Facebook friends.

On behalf of David and the Friends of David Oaks and with heartfelt gratitude, thank you for your continuing love and support!

David Zupan