Preparing for an Altered State: “Intensive Care Unit Psychosis”
Many people seem to think that only a parentage of folks ever experience extreme and overwhelming states of mind. Actually, thousands of everyday people go through the trauma of ICU and go through what is commonly called “madness.” I know, because since my fall in 2012 I have been through this a bunch. While I hope I never go through ICU again, even though everyone was nice, here are the ways I am preparing just in case I do.
Maybe you and everyone else should too?
- I have a short video to myself to watch if I ever go through this again.
- I have a great supported decision making team, both here in Eugene and internationally.
- I also have a brief video to my team, in case I am ever considered unable to make a decision.
- Yes, I have an advanced directive already that says that I only agree to voluntary mental health care ever, but the above help do more, especially support the people closest to me, who I so much love.
Everyone is always in an altered state, always. There is no normality. But we each need to be ready in case we enter especially vulnerable territory.
David, you are right. The proud part of me wants to deny it. But actually, tonight I was reminded of just how vulnerable we all are. I had to prepare a comedy performance. I was under a lot of pressure and had a lot on my mind.
In all that, I totally forgot to eat. It was like the old me, the old me that had an eating disorder. The starving me. I couldn’t quite think straight when I did the comedy so it came out halfway okay. I was clumsy with the props to say the least.
It was a reminder. I didn’t tell anyone. But really, we all can fall prey. We are one step away, I suppose. Never mind they have their feelers out wayyy to far.
BTW. I got a radio station going, wanna be a guest? juliemadblogger get in touch. I do radio just about daily.