Please Help Me (David Oaks) Get an Accessible Van With Crowdsourcing

Posted by on September 16, 2013 in Activism, Peer Support | 3 comments

Debra and David on Back Deck

Habitat for Humanity made this backyard deck and ramp.

My friends and family launched a Crowd Source Campaign to get me an wheelchair accessible van.

The campaign was launched around my 58th Birthday (September 16th). Here is how you can help and/or spread the word.  I will use this vehicle for activism including on the climate crisis, so please excuse the irony, but it looks like I will use this well.

My network wants to try and get a new vehicle, though a used one will suffice.

Here is the blurb from my good friend John Jordan-Cascade:

Dear friend,

No doubt by now you have heard about the terrible accident last December suffered by my friend David Oaks, former Executive Director of MindFreedom International.

As a member of the Friends of David Oaks fundraising committee, I am excited to announce the launch of a crowd-source fundraising campaign on I’d like to invite you to participate!

Please visit the campaign page:

Will you help David and his family raise the money needed for a wheelchair-accessible van like the one in this YouTube clip?

Please join me in supporting this exciting campaign to raise the money needed to purchase a specialized, wheelchair-accessible van. This van will allow David to get to his vitally important medical and rehab appointments and continue his work for a better world. He will be continuing his active involvement in defense of psychiatric patients’ rights and disability rights and helping raise awareness about the climate crisis from his home in Eugene, Oregon.

If you have yet to contribute to help David, now’s your chance to make a significant difference in David’s life!

If you cannot give to this campaign today, please pass this message along to friends and family whom you think might be interested in taking part in this opportunity. We are relying on your willingness to help us spread the word via email–or on Facebook.

Remember, every donation helps move us one step closer to our goal.

On behalf of David and the Friends of David Oaks and with heartfelt gratitude, thank you for your continuing love and support!


John Jordan-Cascade

*If you need to pay with a check, please make it out to “David W. Oaks Irrevocable Trust” and mail it directly to:

David W Oaks Irrevocable Trust
c/o Chase Bank
1100 Willamette St.
Eugene OR 97401Please put the account number (3008433244) on the memo line.For more about David and his story, please visit his web site:


  1. Hi David, I’m in town for a few days. Maybe I can visit Saturday 28 or Sunday 29. I’m writing a check to your van fund.
    David Mitchell

    • David, Thanks so much. My mom is in rehab, but at 96 she is doing better. My brother is watching her. Thankfully. This has taken up my focus. Thanks for understanding, In support, David Oaks

  2. Rock ‘n roll, good buddy!