We Questioned Climate Chaos With Other Fans of Ninkasi

Posted by on November 21, 2015 in Activism, Environment, Normalgeddon, Peer Support | 1 comment

"Maladjusted to Climate Crisis" reads our sign that we all posed behind on 20 November 2015 at Ninkasi Brewery, Eugene with many other fans.

“Maladjusted to Climate Crisis” reads our sign that we all posed behind on 20 November 2015 at Ninkasi Brewery, Eugene with many other fans.

Action: At the bottom of this entry, you will see a link for you to endorse this statement about climate chaos!

About 15 of us folks in the Eugene area who care about the climate crisis gathered together last night at the Tasting Room for Ninkasi Brewery. We signed a statement together and gave that to Ninkasi staff.

Why did we choose the site of a maker of micro-craft beer for this? It turns out that our best reason was because of a great coincidence, the Chief Financial Officer for Ninkasi, Nigel Francisco, will become the next elected Chair for the Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce.

Below is the statement we all signed, as supporters of Ninkasi. We thanked them, and we asked for something more. After you read the declaration, we hope you will join us and endorse this online:

Statement to Ninkasi Brewery about climate crisis:

Thanks and there is more to do!

Thanks for your great craft beer!

Thanks for your public principles in support of the environment!

Thanks for your community involvement!

And there is more we need to ask you to do:

Your Chief Financial Officer Nigel Francisco, will soon become the elected chair of the Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce. For more than five years the well-respected anti global warming group 350.org has had a campaign to ask local chambers to say that the US Chamber does not speak for them, because they are one of the main groups to block progress for climate justice.

Unfortunately, despite many messages, peaceful protest, letters, newspaper articles etc., the Eugene Area Chamber has refused to publicly say anything about the emergency of human caused climate crisis.

We the undersigned ask you to speak out and request that the Eugene Area Chamber say that the US Chamber does not speak for us! The climate crisis is one of the biggest challenges ever faced by humanity. It is urgent that we all take action, now!

For more info about this please see this news release:


Easy, Free Action You Can Take Now!

Please sign the statement above via this free change.org page:



1 Comment

  1. Please take climate change seriously before it’s too late.


  1. Madness & Your Creative Maladjustment to Climate Silence | David W. Oaks - […] For more information about our trip to Ninkasi and the Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce, please see my blog…
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