Top Ten Reasons for Joining Team Oaks

Posted by on May 9, 2014 in Activism, Help Wanted | 3 comments

While our crew is full, almost every other week we are including a fill-in sub, so while there is no guarantee, this is one way to get a permanent shift.

You may read the help wanted blog entry here, plus you will find a downloadable flyer:

Whether you are a paid employee or a member of the community, the below has tips on how to join Team Oaks. Thanks for caring, it would be difficult to name everyone who has helped!

  1. Attitude:

I have spent my whole adult life as an activist mainly working for disability rights especially mental health. So after my big fall in Dec. 2012 I try to show what Martin Luther King calls Creative Maladjustment. Join in this big adventure!

  1. Worker rights:

Both of my grandfathers worked in coal mines for a combined 31 years. I consider worker rights to be very important. I try to always make sure workers have breaks. I try to always be open to feedback. My style is to help work on a goal and give the worker freedom to work on that goal with me, in their own way. I am glad to report that local home care workers are in a union.

  1. Activism:

Because of my decades working for social change, I am in touch with thousands of activists who support major nonviolent revolution! My main interest is the environment, especially the climate crisis. If you seek justice, then you will find Team Oaks rewarding.

  1. Our Home Space:

When you join Team Oaks, you are a part of many people united. We use the latest technology here including very fast wireless Internet. I believe in having some fun so I often see movies on the silver screen or here on our big screen. We like to be as “green” as possible by composting and paying attention to energy conservation.

We make sure employees have a break for every long shift. There is a nice, dedicated, small breakroom, or they enjoy our garden and deck.

  1. Location:

Home for Team Oaks is a long and narrow quirky piece of property that is ¼ acre with grape arbors, fruit trees, five big raised beds, we call Mad Swan Eco-home and Unkempt Garden. We have a nice sun space and back deck, made by Habitat for Humanity, with big awnings. In other words, you can often get away to the outside nature both during work and on breaks. We are committed to back to the land and sustainable values here.

  1. Van:

The Friends Of David Oaks (FODO) raised enough donations for me to have a fairly new accessible van. We often get away on trips to the movies, a unique physical therapy gym for quads, coffee, activism, rehab appointments and many other places. Getting out and about is important to me.

  1. Family and Friends:

Everyone in Team Oaks is part of the family. My wonderful wife Debra Nunez is an amazing leader, and she transformed this home. As never before, her unquenchable love has worked magic. Debra’s side of the family such as her sister Cindy, are part of the team. Again it is impossible to list everyone. I should give a special shout out to the Oregon Country Fair, or as we call it the Fair Family. Many of the workers and Team Oaks are part of the Fair Family. Debra and I have been active in the OCF community village since the 1980’s and we are both now Elders at the OCF. For instance, OCF fair family designed and built the new accessible bathroom.
Cat Care is not part of the duties of Team Oaks, but we should mention that there is a charming cat Bongo gracing our home for you to enjoy.

  1. Community:

Community is very important. All my family came from Lithuania as immigrants and I was raised working class. I got scholarships to attend Harvard and I graduated with honors in 1977. Bill Gates was in my class! But I chose to throw in my lot with the Marginalized And Disempowered, which I hope you noticed spells out MAD!
For example, if you direct your search engine to this phrase — david w oaks mental health — you will discover many interesting articles and videos, such as a brief Wikipedia article. In June 2016 I even did successful stand-up (well, sit-down) comedy.
If you want more info, you can easily find my blog, Facebook pages, and accounts on Twitter, Linkedin, and Google. Via this blog, find an email list you can join to stay notified. Search Facebook for IAACM to see another way I help.

  1. Fun and Adventure:

As a worker, friend or family member, my fall has a big silver lining: Every moment and every day are of course very precious! Team Oaks has a big commitment to things like healthy great food, chocolate, nature, and nonviolent revolution. My voice may be a bit weakened and wonky, my spine may be fused, my arms may be impaired, my legs may be in a chair, but my human spirit is here and shining bright. The human spirit is being redefined by us all. We all are unbeatable, and we are amazing allies for Earth and all our relations. Lead On!

  1. Workers:

Below are some endorsements from some of my current and past employees. Thank you again to everyone who says, I am part of Team Oaks!

Homecare Worker:

Camas Wonders: “I started working with David the summer of 2013. I find him easy to work for, he is very considerate and has a great disposition. I have had experience working with ‘quads’ in the past, David’s needs are not unusual, I really enjoy working with him and Debra is delightful. I would give them a glowing recommendation. If you are a compassionate caring person who loves to help and has skills that make you comfortable working with a quad this would be a great fit!!”

Ian McTeague: “I began working with David Oaks in the Fall of 2015. As a new homecare worker, David Oaks was my first client that I had ever worked for. He’s an absolute riot to be around, and has been extremely patient with me during my process of learning the ins and outs of what he needs. David and his wife, Debra, and their local feline friend, Bongo, are most likely the best employers I’ve ever had!”

Previous Employee of David Oaks When He Directed MindFreedom, for 25 years:

Heather Marek: “The one year that I worked with David still stands out to me as my favorite work experience, and it has had a lasting impression on me. David is brilliant, fun, creative, and very giving with his energy. I learned a lot from his principled, compassionate, generous, and playful ways.

“The most difficult aspect of working with David was managing the large numbers of people always wanting to talk to him. His love for the community is, perhaps, only surpassed by the community’s love for him. Whatever the pay, I am convinced that the most rewarding aspect of joining “Team Oaks” will be getting to spend time with David.”

Shasta Halley: “I worked for David Oaks for almost three years. David is a person of irrepressible humor and warmth. His devotion to human rights and the well-being of our planet, his practice of open communication and collaborative problem-solving, and his genuine concern for his employees makes him a pleasure to work with. I credit David with helping me back into the workforce after several years spent struggling with mental health issues. At times, he believed in me more than I believed in myself, and he always encouraged me to aim higher. I am so thankful to have worked with David!”

LaTonya Gibbs is a former employee from the MindFreedom main office, and says: “I have worked with and for David W. Oaks when he was director of MindFreedom International. I admire his activism and his creating this online home for those in and out of the UU who support Mental Health justice.”

For more info about Help Wanted, click here:


  1. Excellent write-up. I absolutely love this website.
    Keep writing!

  2. Hello, David. I am visiting your website for the first time. I like it, and your layout for Team Oaks looks great. I would like to discuss something with you.

  3. I couldn’t say it better myself. David is Amazing!!!
    I just posted on my page and bet folks will be beating down the door soon.

    Love You David!!

    Kristina Yates


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